Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Snails, Lizards, and Roaches

Today was a little cooler so I had the motivation to go out to do some more shopping when there was a break in the rain. Since we're a tropical island in the Pacific, it rains just about every day here. My messenger bag is large enough to haul around my umbrella, fortunately.

While I was at the store, I debated on whether or not to get a bottle of Coca Cola or not. I have yet to see a Mountain Dew here, but Coke and Pepsi are plentiful. Thing is, since it's so hot and humid, I was wondering if I should get the soda because the caffeine could dehydrate me. But after drinking warm pure water (ugh), pulpy juice, and soy milk all day, downing a cold glass of carbonated soda sounds heavenly! So I got myself a giant bottle to keep in the fridge since it was cheaper. I hope I'm leaving enough room for the second teacher to put all her stuff once she gets here. I'm afraid I'm monopolizing all the space.

Tomorrow, my manager, her family, and some of the other staff of the preschool are taking a trip to nearby Penghu Island for vacation during the school's break period. It sound really fun and it has a beach! A seaside beach! This will be the first one I've been at in my entire life! Yes, it's prolly going to be a lot more boring than I think it will be, but it's the principle of the thing! I love maritime stories and views, so I've always been excited when it comes to beaches and the sea (or in this case, the ocean. Thank goodness I brought my 4 bathing suits with me!

I've had the opportunity to spy some exotic wildlife recently. The first was yesterday, when I was going to the kitchen and I saw movement around the trash bags out of the corner of my eye. I whipped my flashlight around (I use a flashlight since if I use to much electricity and the electric bill goes up, I have to pay for the difference) and I saw a webbed foot before it disappeared beneath the wooden floor! I had read somewhere on the internet that lizards are the rats of Taiwan, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what it was. Most people would prolly cringe at the prospect of having lizards in such close quarters, but honestly, I'd rather have them than cockroaches. Lizards eat the cockroaches that we might have. I saw a roach last night as I was walking around. It was the size of my palm and darted around so fast I screamed and jumped back! I hate roaches so much. If having lizards around decreases the number of roaches, I'm all for them!

Also, if you go down to grassy areas during the evening to night hours, there's a good chance you will see a snail. Or two snails. Make that a snail every five freaking steps. And these are pretty big! I considered keeping one as a pet and calling it Gary (kudos if you know the reference), but I don't know much about caring for them. I read that they aren't bacteria-ridden as a lot of people seem to think they are, but they're slime can get everywhere. I'll post some of the better pics I got of the snails.

1 comment:

  1. I want to see a picture of your foot next to a snail for a size comparison! Love the Chinese coke!
