Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Rose by Any Other Name...Would be Just as Freakin' Hot in Taiwan

For some reason, I never thought I would find a rose around here, but lo and behold, there was a single, tall flower growing in the middle of a garden. Don't they normally grow on bushes? Where are the other flowers?!

I've come to the conclusion that even if a child has no exposure to the English language before coming to this preschool, the first word that he or she picks up will be "teacher." Why? Because it's the word the children most often use before, during, and after class when they are trying to get our attention. It's the title that they use to refer to every adult at the school whether it be Teacher Kim, Teacher Annie (which 6 times out of 10 they will call me because they can't wrap their minds around an American teacher being named anything else BUT Amy/Annie), Teacher Jane, or Teacher Stephanie. They use it in the blurb that they say before and after class: "Good Morning/Thank you, Teacher Kim. We love you!"

When they are saying it to get our attention, it will come out "Teeeeaaacchhheerrrr!" This would be cute on its own, but when you have ten children surrounding you all saying it at once, you start wishing for ear plugs.

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