Sunday, July 31, 2011

One Month In!

I wanted to give a quick update since I know it's been about a week. If you can't tell by now, I'm terrible at updating. I got the suggestion that I try and post at least one picture a day. I have a ton of them so I don't have to worry about running out any time soon.

So this weekend Steph and I went with our church group on a mini-hike. I say mini-hike because it was more of a long walk. We had children with us so we didn't go up into the mountains or anything. There's a spot that gets drainage from a mountain stream where we stopped. It had small benches where you can stop and let your feet soak in the water. It's very relaxing and nice on a hot, steamy day. We had a lunch of winter melon tea (which is fast becoming one of my favorite drinks here) and sandwiches. And lemme tell you, these were the weirdest sandwiches I've ever had. They had peanut butter, jelly, a mango mixture, tofu, seaweed, and some kinda sweet cucumber. Yeah, definitely the weirdest sandwich I've ever had.

Later that evening, I had the worst stomach cramps. Not from the sandwich, but from what I think was not drinking enough water on the walk. I've been eating a lot of weird stuff here and this is the first time I've had these cramps; that's the reason I think it had more to do with the lack of water than the food.

On a lighter note, the church held a zither performance which I went to. If you look at some of my earliest entries on this blog, you'll see that I did a few assignments on Chinese instruments. The zither (I can't remember what the Chinese name is) was one of them. It was very beautiful to watch and hear. The performance was done with a singer as well. I took a couple videos of the performance. I will put them up on Youtube and link to it from here when I get the chance.

Today was just another laid back Sunday. I went to church where the missionaries interpreted for us and attending an after-church luncheon. They served some really spicy stuff over rice today, but at that point, I had forgotten to eat breakfast and was so hungry I didn't care. I don't even know what half of the food is called. Seaweed and tofu seem to be staple foods along with rice. It's all good to me.

This afternoon, I relaxed and listened to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on audio book. I saw a reference to it somewhere on the internet and decided to finally check it out. It's a spectacular book and I'd say it's now one of my favorites. Soon after, Steph and I were invited to a party the church ward was having for a couple that's going to be getting married soon. The girl is American so they are going back to the United States for the wedding (I think). I know they are leaving Wednesday and they will be going to Salt Lake City to visit her family. The party was nice, but it was way too hot. Think about a lot of people being crammed into an apartment in an already hot and humid country. Ugh. At least the cake was good and the people were very nice.

So that's my weekend. I know a lot of it has to do with the church, but I can't help it if they are the ones I'm most exposed to. They are the biggest way I'm getting to do stuff in Taiwan. Fun times, fun times.

Oh, everybody has a water buffalo. Yours is fast but mine is slow...
The canal where we could soak our feet.

That's the biggest watermelon I've ever seen!
Steph caught a frog near the water. It's a good thing she didn't touch it because we weren't sure if it was poisonous or not.

The zither player and the singer. Videos to come in another post.

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