Tuesday, March 24, 2009

MC Story #4 Idea

I'm planning on writing an editorial based on the idea that SIUE should be doing more to ensure that deer roam around campus after nightfall. There are several highway systems in Southern Illinois that have the danger of deer running across the road, but because the road systems are so large, they can't do much to regulate the population of the deer on the roads. However, SIUE is a fairly localized area and the faculty or executive powers of the college could be putting funds in to find a way to keep the campus safer for both nighttime motorists and the deer. I will research different ways this can be achieved other than killing the animals. I'm sure that other areas with the same hazards have experimented with methods to discourage them.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Mass Comm Story #3 Idea

Since I'm returning home for the whole week of Spring break, I thought it would be easier to write a story based in my hometown of Freeport, Ill. I thought about doing a consumer review comparing at least three foreign resaurants in the area. There are two Chinese restaurants, one Mexican, and, for comparison reasons, I could include an American western -style restaurant in the review. However, if I need to narrow the focus even more, I could just do a story on the Chinese restaurants. I know that at least one of them changed ownership in the recent past and I would like to get the opinions of other customers as to how that affected the quality of the food. One of them is a diner restaurant while the other is a buffet, so I could make observations on how these styles affect their popularity. I plan to try and get an interview with the owners and at least one or two customers from the restaurants I write about.