Thursday, August 4, 2011

Animal Day

So on Wednesday, we made it so the childrens' parents could bring in any pets so that the kids could see how they look in real life. The father of one of the boys is a biologist so he brought in a few animals and told the children how to handle each one. He spoke in Chinese so I couldn't understand most of it, but the animals were very cute. But if an animal like a lizard got away from the man, the kids would scream and run away as though the vile beast would leap on them and scratch their face off! They even screamed at the yippy dog (that's what I call small dogs like Chihuahuas and Yorkies) when it got to run around the room. Seriously, they couldn't keep their cool around a little doggy? Imagine how they would fare around a Malamute or a Newfoundland (giant dogs!).

I also planned a game for the kids where they wore pouches around their necks and had to collect mini apples and oranges and stuff them in their pouches like a hamster. The kids that did it had fun, but most of them were still groggy from their nap so they sat out. I wish I had had nap time during school. High school, I mean.

Pay no attention to the guy's face on the right. I was trying to get a pic of the lizard, but he was moving so much I had a hard time getting close.

WARNING: Potentially Disgusting Pics ahead!

This is a beehive that a wasp has been building outside one of the buildings. The school will knock it down soon, but I wanted to take a pic of it beforehand so I could show it to the children next week for the Animal Homes topic.
This is NOT a live spider or I wouldn't dream of holding it. It's actually a spider skin from when the living spider was shedding (I didn't know spiders shed their skin, honestly). This first pic is a belly view and the second is the normal view.

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